"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom".
~George Washington Carver
This quote means a lot to me. Without education, you aren't going to achieve anything in life. If you don't learn anything, you don't know the simplest things, and can't pursure your life's goal. Working hard and understanding why education is needed is going to get you somewhere in life. If you prove that you're worthy of doing things, people are going to accept you more in life. Jobs & money are essentials that you need in life.Therefore, if you have a really good education you'll live life the way you want it. Without those two major things, you aren't going to get anywhere, and nobody is going to need you or want you. You need to study hard in order to have a good life. Education gives us all knowledge. It's something that can get us to even rule the world. Education gives us confidence, and confidence gives us things we want/need. If you aren't education, you be hesitant if you want to do certain things. You don't have the feeling: "I can do this, I know this stuff." If you just study good and get a nice education, you'll be set for the rest of your life; no need to suffer in your futue. A person who's educated enjoys his/her life and can live the way he/she wants to live. They have their own freedom in what they want to do. You can prove yourself worthy everywhere if you're an educated person. Without an education you are not free to do what you want. With education comes more choices and therefore more freedom to pursue your life's ambition. Education & working hard to reach goals is what we need to live life the way we want it!